
for Graduate Student Members

Four endowment funds support the travel grant program of CCL. These funds honor distinguished scholars whose faithful and visionary leadership proved crucial to the formation and subsequent development of the organization:

The Roy Battenhouse Fund

The Charles Huttar Fund

The Clyde S. Kilby Fund

The Paul and June Schlueter Fund

In order to encourage graduate students to participate in regional meetings, CCL offers up to $500 for each regional meeting to meet travel expenses and conference registration fees for graduate students presenting papers. This money may be distributed to as many students as the region sees fit. Applicants must be CCL members in good standing and are expected to stay for the full conference at which they present a paper. Students may not receive an award more than twice. Preference is given to dissertation-level students whose research will be most enhanced by conference participation. The conference director and the CCL regional board director should ensure that grant is adequately publicized before the conference.

Applicants should send the following material to the conference director:

1. A letter, not to exceed 400 words, stating the session in which the student is enrolled and explaining how this session relates to the student's dissertation in progress.

2. An informational (not evaluative) letter from the student's Director of Graduate Studies or Department Chair providing date of approval of the student's dissertation topic; expected date of completion; date when all other degree requirements were completed; statement of departmental policy on travel support for graduate students; and amount of funding applicant will receive (if any) toward attendance of the meeting for which the student seeks assistance.

The director of the conference, in consultation with the CCL regional board director, will award one or more grants. Awards should be announced no later than one month prior to the meeting for which the applicant seeks assistance. Recipients of the grant should submit their receipts to the conference director or the board member (whomever is so designated) who will forward them to the Treasurer of CCL for reimbursement. NO MONIES WILL BE DISBURSED WITHOUT RECEIPTS. The name of the recipient, title of paper presented, his/her institution, and the amount awarded should be reported to the Vice President of CCL on the Conference Report Form.